Ref: IFBP1
Immediately availableThe present circuit was born from an intuition of some American radio amateurs. Many have replicated the circuit we present to you in different ways, perhaps the same engineers from Clifton Laboratories, they in turn adapted and reworked the project which they then published in the past years.
For years, their IF buffers have no longer been available to connect a generic, but also branded, DONLGE SDR to our beloved radios which, despite having a few decades behind them, continue to transmit and motion and for this reason they would like to be able to rejuvenate them in some way .
Many projects were created for this purpose but this one we present to you is one of a kind, probably unique.
In addition to the well-known electrical characteristics of the DEVICE used, ANALOG DEVICE AD8007, it was decided to implement and appropriately adapt a notch filter to eliminate the commercial FM band which, as many will know, is the Achilles' heel of mid-range SDR receivers, perhaps even high end.
Here, in just 3.5cm x 3.5cm, the RF NOTCH BUFFER was created for all radios.
Minimum guaranteed features:
Notch filter cut graph 88-108 MHz
Some installation photos of our customers assembling sdr within kenwood ts-480 and kenwood ts-990 with dwarf hummingbird
YAESU FT-450 mounting
Data sheet